1. Humor really is the best medicine.

2. Healthy skin is beautiful, take care of it.

3. The mind really is the first muscle to move.

4. We learn more in the hard times than we do the good.

5. This too shall pass.

6. You know you’ve matured when your vast social group dwindles down to a few; a few whom you have a much closer, connected relationship with.

7. If someone else doesn’t like the way you look, that’s their problem, not yours.

8. Knowing the love of a child opens your eyes to a whole new world.

Addie's Eyes

9. The best gift my parents gave me …my siblings.

10. The best gift my siblings gave me…..my nieces and nephew.

11. Touch is one of the most comforting and healing things you can offer someone.

12. Maturity= listening more, talking less.

13. Ask yourself which parts of this situation can I control, pray on the rest.

14. When I’m the giver I get so much more in return.

15. Wisdom is sexy!

16. Routine is comforting, spontaneity keeps me alive.

17. “Here I go again on my own” by Whitesnake is the ultimate break up song.

18. Weight loss is a life long practice, accept it.

19. Osteoporosis and arthritis suck.

20. No matter how bad things are they could be worse, pray for that person.

21. Above everything else, the relationships I have are my most treasured assets.

22. The most important people in my life know they are the most important people in my life.

23. If you come across a 2005 Napa Valley Cabernet, buy it and drink it with a good friend.

05 Cab

24. I’m at my best when cooking for my entire family, in my home.

25. It’s never too late to get in the best shape of your life.

26. You are your worst critic and only real competition.

27. If you we’re dying of cancer would this matter? If not, then it doesn’t matter now.

28. If you have your health and your family’s health, feel like the richest person alive because you are.

29. Fresh herbs are the love added to the pot.

30. I feel best when my surroundings are clean and organized.

31. Above all else appreciate integrity. Have integrity. Practice integrity.

32. In years to come, one may not remember what you’ve done but they will remember how you made them feel.

33. Your time is the most valuable gift you can give someone.

34. My favorite role is that of Aunt Cindy.


35. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. My most fondest memories are from such simple moments.

36. Don’t ever give up on you. You are simply amazing.

37. Remember that this moment may become someone else’s memory. Make sure they remember you well.

38. When a child walks into the room, look into his/her eyes and smile; you are ALWAYS happy to see them.

39. Some days you’re up and some days you’re down.

40. Getting older beats the alternative.

41. Sheets, towels, mattress…get the good stuff, spend the money.

42. Be grateful.

43. I’ve reached the age to appreciate a good martini.

44. Salt and vinegar potato chips are addicting.

45. I am a strong, beautiful, confident, American woman.

46. I am blessed.